Portfolio Category: Early Work

In God We Trust

Many years ago, I had the great pleasure to be part of the producing team on a couple of Jason  Reitman's early short films. In God We Trust was a festival favorite.
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Gunrunner – Pre-Vis

Gun Runner was a game prototype abandoned when Midway Games fell into bankruptcy and shut down. The game's goal was to create a third-person, action adventure game in the vein of the Bourne films. The pre-visualized scene depicts a car chase which was to happen in the middle of the game.
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Created for the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command, (TRADOC), Breakdown was used as part of a regimen to teach soldiers negotiation and bargaining skills. The follow-up to Trouble at Checkpoint Four, Breakdown moves the action to Afghanistan. In the vignette, two U.S. Army military advisors must persuade a reluctant, and possibly corrupt, Afghan National…
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Where U At?

Where U At? was produced for hip-hop artist Malaysian MC in 2005. It was distributed in Malaysia and other southeast Asian countries. In my research for this project, I discovered that many Asian hip hop artists at the time tried to emulate the “straight from the ‘hood” style of American hip hop artists. But it felt…
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